Cerebral Angiography

An angiogram is any test designed to evaluate the blood vessels in certain parts of the body, and may be performed as part of a CAT scan, an MRI, or as a separate procedure known as a catheter angiogram. A transarterial catheter based cerebral angiogram, also known simply as a cerebral angiogram, is a diagnostic procedure which enables your neurosurgeon to view the blood vessels of your neck and brain with absolute precision. This test is considered the “gold standard” for the evaluation and possible treatment of many various conditions. 

A cerebral angiogram is a minimally invasive procedure which is usually performed in a hospital or surgical site setting. For patients undergoing scheduled, elective cerebral angiograms, routine preoperative testing is usually required and may be reviewed with your surgeon and other physicians involved in your care. The patient undergoing a cerebral angiogram typically does not eat or drink food from midnight prior to the procedure on. Please discuss with your neurosurgeon which medications must be discontinued or initiated prior to the cerebral angiogram.

The patient presents to the hospital on the date of the procedure, and the details of the cerebral angiogram and the condition being investigated will again be reviewed. The level of anesthetic for the procedure will be tailored to the patient and the specifics of the procedure, however, the usual anaesthetic requirement for a diagnostic cerebral angiogram is limited to sedation without the need for general anesthesia.  

During the procedure, either the blood vessel in the wrist or the groin region will be accessed with a small needle. Using x-ray for visualization, a thin yet long tube also known as a “catheter” will be guided through the blood vessels in the body which lead to the neck and brain. Next, a small amount of contrast, or dye, will be injected which enables the surgeon to view the blood vessels of the neck and brain with absolute clarity. This procedure is very similar to cardiac catheterization/angiogram procedures used to treat patients with various heart issues. 

Depending upon the circumstance and condition, many blood vessel disorders of the neck and/or brain may be treated at the same setting. This is often referred to as an “intervention”, as the condition at hand is being intervened upon. Some of these interventions are discussed here:

Aneurysm Embolization | Aneurysm Clipping | Carotid Stenting

At the conclusion of the procedure, patients recover for a few hours to enable sedation to wear off and ensure no issues are encountered at the site of blood vessel access. Usually a “closure” device is used to prevent any bleeding issues and to assist in this recovery. After complete recovery, discharge instructions will be provided to you along with follow up requirements with your neurosurgeon to review the findings of this procedure.

We at Coaxial Neurosurgical Specialists look forward to discussing all the details regarding cerebral angiography with you and answering your questions. Your best outcomes are our success.

Coaxial Neurosurgical Specialists
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